Meta Energy
Meta Energy is the driving force for the Stage Meta Ecosystem.
Meta Energy is built through two different types:
Meta Minting Energy is released the moment a Minted TPA receives a Ping.
Meta Mining Energy is released when any Stage Meta user benefits from the TPC Mining —a form of engagement within Stage Meta for TPC Owners.
Users might spend or obtain Meta Energy to enhance their immersive objects, pay for subscriptions, or take part of the expansion of the Spatial Computing Era.
Meta Energy continues to be generated as long as its level is above 0%.
ALPHA Energy is the basal energy used to build Stage Meta.
Meta Energy builds Stage Meta in Spatial Computing
Meta Mint Energy
Meta Mint Energy is the energy unleashed the moment a Minted TPA receives a Ping —a form of interaction or engagement within the Stage Meta platform. This energy manifests in various levels, each increasing intensity and value.
Meta Energy
$0.00( 0.00% )
Meta Energy is released with TPA Pinging
Current Meta Energy
This graph shows the variation in Meta Energy level as TPAs are sold.
ALPHA Energy
ALPHA Energy is transmitted to any Pinged TPA.
ALPHA Energy never dies.
Meta Energy
$0.00( 0.00% )
DELTA Energy
DELTA Energy is transmitted to the Pinging TPA owner on their 1st TPA purchase.
DELTA Energy dies after the 1st ALPHA Energy transmission.
BETA Energy
BETA Energy is activated and transmitted to the Pinged Account owner on its first Ping. You can only receive BETA Energy once.
GAMMA Energy
GAMMA Energy is activated and transmitted to the Pinged Account owner on its fifth Ping. You can only receive GAMMA Energy once.
LAMBDA Energy is transmitted to the Pinged TPA owner on each 10th Ping, until the 90th Ping.
LAMBDA Energy dies after the 1st OMEGA Energy transmission.
λ Energy Transmission Levels
OMEGA Energy
OMEGA Energy is transmitted to the Pinged TPA owner on each 100th Ping, until the 900th Ping.
OMEGA Energy dies after the 1st OMEGA MAX Energy transmission.
ω Energy Transmission Levels
OMEGA Max Energy
OMEGA MAX Energy is activated and transmitted to the Pinged Account owner on each 1,000th Ping.
OMEGA Energy dies after the first OMEGA MAX Energy activation.
Quarter Full Energy
Quarter Full Energy is activated and transmitted to the Pinged Account owner from the 1,001st to the 10,000th Ping. During this period, Alpha Energy is multiplied by 2.9741 for each Ping on the TPA.
Half Full Energy
Half Full Energy is activated and transmitted to the Pinged Account owner from the 10,001st to the 100,000th Ping. During this period, Alpha Energy is multiplied by 5.9482 for each Ping on the TPA.
Full Energy
Full Energy is activated and transmitted to the Pinged Account owner from the 100,001st to the 999,999th Ping. During this period, Alpha Energy is multiplied by 11.8964 for each Ping on the TPA.
Contract Owner
Once a TPA reaches its 1,000,000th Ping, automatically the TPA owner becomes the coveted title of Contract Owner.
This is the highest benefit and honor a TPA owner can achieve, and the reward from this point forward is that any TPA Minted by this account has an immediate return value of the same TPA price.
Meta Mine Energy
Meta Mining Energy is generated within the Stage Meta ecosystem when a buyer of a TPC (Teleport Plaque Coin) pings a Teleport Plaque Address (TPA) or a user profile within the ecosystem. This allows both users to unlock value from TPC mining, either through Airdrops or Pre-Sales activities.
ALPHA Prime Energy
ALPHA Prime Energy is transmitted to any Pinged Account upon selling TPC.
ALPHA Prime Energy never dies.
Lambda Prime Energy
LAMBDA Prime Energy is transmitted to the Pinged Account when more than 1,000 TPC are sold through it.
LAMBDA Prime Energy dies after the 1st OMEGA Prime Energy transmission.
Omega Prime Energy
MEGA Prime Energy is transmitted to the Pinged Account when more than 10,000 TPC are sold through it.
OMEGA Prime Energy dies after the 1st OMEGA Max Prime Energy transmission.
Omega Max Prime Energy
OMEGA Max Prime Energy is transmitted to the Pinged Account when more than 100,000 TPC are sold through it.